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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Clear Unlimited 4G Internet

New offers from Clear; All devices at 50% off when connected with the $49.99/per month service...YES 50% off activation fee of $25.00 is require... :-) Nuevas ofertas de Clear... Todos los dispositivos tendran el 50% de descuento cuando se conecten con el servicio de $49.99 por mes... SI 50% de descuento, requiere una cargo por activación de $25.00... ...


NET10 Wireless or NET10 is a brand of prepaid wireless service owned by TracFone Wireless, a Mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) which offers a flat rate unlimited plans. NET10 Wireless uses GSM phones which support voicemail and text messaging at a minimum. Some models also offer Bluetooth, camera, handsfree speaker, QWERTY keyboard, and mobile web. NET10 Wireless provides international calling options to its customers. A toll-free number in the US is dialed to make phone calls to at least some telephones (not including cellphones) in over fifty countries.The International Neighbors plan allows NET10 Wireless customers...
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